Justin Bieber 30 days challenge

2012-04-16 ♥ 20:47:06
Day 1 - Your favorite Justin Bieber song
Day 2 - Your first Justin Bieber concert
Day 3 - Your favorite magazine cover of Justin Bieber
Day 4 - A Justin Bieber quote
Day 5 - Your least favorite Justin Bieber song
Day 6 - An extract from a Justin Bieber fanfic
Day 7 - A picture of you & Justin Bieber
Day 8 - A picture of your room with Justin Bieber posters
Day 9 - Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 10 - Favorite photo of Justin Bieber
Day 11 - Favorite Justin Bieber music video
Day 12 - Favorite color Justin Bieber wears
Day 13 - Favorite Justin Bieber interview
Day 14 - Favorite Justin Bieber tweet
Day 15 - A graphic you made/favorite graphic of Justin Bieber
Day 16 - Favorite Justin Bieber youtube video
Day 17 - Someone you became friends with over Justin Bieber
Day 18 - Your dream date with Justin Bieber
Day 19 - Your favorite thing about Justin Bieber
Day 20 - Favorite televised performance
Day 21 - Your favorite friend or family member of Justin Bieber
Day 22 - Favorite acoustic cover
Day 23 - Favorite piano cover
Day 24 - Something Justin Bieber did that made you think, “he would!”
Day 25 - Photo of Justin Bieber sticking his tongue out
Day 26 - Favorite photo of Justin Bieber with a fan
Day 27 - A photo of Justin Bieber with another singer/celeb
Day 28 - What made you become a Justin Bieber fan
Day 29 - A photo of Justin Bieber you’re obsessed with
Day 30 - What Justin Bieber means to you

Börjar imorn, eftersom jag egentligen inte har något intressant att blogga om för tillfället.
Imorn lägger jag ut några mer foton från det Östra riket, höhö internt skämt med.... mig själv *FOREVER ALONE*
Godnatt mina små änglar ♥